Microdermabrasion is an aggressive exfoliating procedure. It lightly resurfaces the epidermis by simultaneously spraying crystals and using suction to exfoliate the top layers of the epidermis. It helps increase circulation and provides a stimulating massage. The degree of exfoliation depends upon the level of crystal spray, degree of suction, the number and speed of passes over the skin, besides the number of treatments performed.
A single treatment can remove 20% to 30% of the epidermis. This procedure can reduce the appearance of superficial fine lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation and superficial scarring, resulting in smoother skin with fewer visible signs of aging.
By damaging the upper layer of skin, this aggressive treatment shocks the skin’s regenerative process into overdrive, causing the cells in the dermal layer to rapidly replace the damaged layer by growing new cells. Consecutive treatments are given every seven to 10 days. Microdermabrasion might require 6 to 12 treatments to achieve noticeable improvement. It can be performed with no down time or recovery time.
You should not perform microdermabrasion if any of the following conditions exist:
• Use of topical anti-botics
• Use of Retin-A or Accutane
• Use of glycol acid or alpha hydroxy acid products
• Rosacea
• Active grade 3 or 4 acne
Ask your dermatologist or esthetician when to stop certain medications prior to scheduling a microdermabrasion procedure.