What does your face and body tell you about your habits, and how they could be affecting how you are aging? Can gluten cause your face to age?
Let’s start with what gluten actually is. Gluten is a protein found in foods containing wheat and related grains, such as barley and rye. Oats don’t contain gluten themselves but they do contain a similar protein called avenue, which some people can be equally sensitive to. We started adding gluten into our diets about 10,000 years ago. This might not have become a problem if we had gradually given our bodies time to get used to it, but between our reliance on carbohydrates at most meals and the fact that gluten makes a very nice thickener and base for flavorings in processed foods, we have very quickly gotten to a point where gluten can be in every meal, and it’s likely that our bodies can’t cope with such a sudden influx of a relatively new food.
One thing is clear, our body gives us warning signs to what is going on inside it and its an excellent tool you can use to see if you might be overdoing things long before you might feel any other symptoms.
Can you suddenly become gluten intolerant?
Yes, you can develop gluten intolerance suddenly, depending on genetic factors. Some people have symptoms earlier in life, while others don’t have signs until they’re older. Gluten intolerance can cause a wide range of symptoms. For your body some signs of this condition can be excessive gas, bloating, abdominal pain or other digestive problems. Other signs that can occur include constipation, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, fatigue and joint pain. You might begin to have symptoms shortly after eating. For some people, symptoms start a few hours after eating. For others, symptoms can start up to a day after having food with gluten in it. If you suddenly have symptoms, you should see your doctor for testing and treatment.
Concerning your face, you may see blemishes on the forehead, puffy cheeks and jowls, your face looks like you’ve gained weight, redness and/or red spots on the cheeks, and blemishes or darkened patches on the chin.
How does gluten cause aging?
Yes indeed, gluten in an intolerant individual, is absolutely pro-inflammatory. Parts of the gluten protein resistant to normal digestion not only affect the very structure of the intestinal lining but also cause oxidative stress. Gluten also weakens the immune system, opening us up to increased risk of infection. Therefore, gluten is closely associated with the two most common sources of oxidation (inflammation and infection), and thereby premature aging. High amounts of gluten increase estrogen production, which can be behind some of the fluid retention and breakouts. Gluten affects the stress glands, or adrenal glands, through its effect upon blood sugar and hormonal balance. The adrenal glands, when functioning properly, are one of the strongest parts of our body when it comes to anti-aging. In fact, repair and anti-aging are two of the major functions of the adrenal glands. But once imposed upon, they do the reverse, by speeding up the aging process. However, our bodies repair itself with the help of the proper food and exercise. So, if you think you might have signs gluten intolerance, talk with your health care provider about what to do next.