News — beauty essentials
Pei Yao
pei eichel
Admin OxyDerm

Is "Oily Skin" such a BAD thing?
Not if you know how to take proper care of it Did you know that oily skin can be classified into two subcategories: oily (without water deficiency) and oily dehydrated (with water deficiency). In the first case, the skin has proper hydration; while it feels and looks oily, it does not have the sensation of “dryness”. In the second subcategory, the skin lacks moisture yet the skin has all the characteristics of oily skin present but the individual tends to complain of “dry skin”. People with oily skin tend go two ways in their skincare routines. One is to...
Admin OxyDerm

Retinoids in your Skincare Routine
What are retinoids? The retinoid family is a group of compounds that are derived from vitamin A. They have been available in skincare since the 1970s and scientific studies shows they are the only topical agents that repeatedly demonstrate anti-aging effects. Retinoids help minimize the appearance of wrinkles, slow the breakdown of collagen and fade pigmentation or age spots. They work by improving skin cell renewal and stimulating collagen production. There are several forms from over-the-counter to prescription strength in topical and oral medication form. Over-the-counter (OTC) retinoids are most often found in eye creams, night moisturizers, and serums. When...
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