Myth: Some skincare products work like prescription cosmetic injections
FALSE. No skincare products can work like cosmetic injections. Why? Because the ingredients can not reach their targeted areas. There is no research to prove it true. Regardless of the ingredients or the marketing claims, it just isn’t possible. Save your money if you want the end result to be like cosmetic injections.
Myth: Laser can make you look 20 years younger
FALSE. There are many different types of lasers. Some help activate collagen, reduce sun spots and wrinkles etc. But to keep it real, there is only so much it can do. If you take care of your skin, eat healthy and exercise daily you will have younger looking skin at an older age.
Myth: It is totally fine to sleep in your makeup
FALSE. Sleeping in your makeup is not the greatest idea. By the end of the day you have makeup mixed with dirt and oil built up on the surface of your skin, that can lead to clogged pores, in turn clogged pores can lead to breakouts. So drag yourself to the bathroom and wash your face or simply use a no-rinse makeup remover. But we suggest having a good skincare routine at the end of the night is the best. Your skin will thank you for it later.
Myth: Using hot water opens up your pores
FALSE. When washing your face, water should be kept at a lukewarm temperature. Your pores are not temperature-sensitive, they don’t open and close based on temperature. Hot water can make the outer layers of skin swell, which makes pores look more open.
Myth: It is better to pop a pimple
FALSE. For all you pimp poppers out there, it might feel really good to pop a pimple but, a lot of the pus just goes in deeper causing more inflammation that can lead to scarring and to spread under the skin. That is why you might get another pimple a few days later. But if you absolutely can not resist the urge, be sure to do it right. Don’t just squeeze and pop it, instead use an extractor tool, which you can purchase at most beauty supply stores. Simply apply firm pressure with the extractor, then roll it across the pimple to take it out.
Myth: Use the same skincare products for day and night
FALSE. During the day, you should use products that offer protection from free radical damage and sunlight. Like sunscreen with broad spectrum protection or skincare products that provide SPF. At night, use products with more regenerative and restorative ingredients such as peptides, vitamins and retinol.
Myth: The higher the SPF, the better the protection
FALSE. First let’s talk about the three kinds of ultraviolet (UV) rays. There are UVA, UVB and UVC. UVA rays alter your pigmentation to produce a tan because it penetrates the skin fairly deeply. UVB rays are the primary sunburn rays. These rays also damage your skin’s DNA and cause photo-aging, pigment changes, and cancerous tumors (carcinomas). The third one UVC rays are absorbed by the atmosphere and don’t make it to the ground.
The SPF number on a product tells you how long the sun’s UV radiation would take to redden your skin when using the product as opposed to not using any sunscreen. For example, a SPF 30 would take you 30 times longer to burn than if you weren’t wearing any sunscreen. Products with very high SPFs often create a false sense of security. People who use them tend to stay out in the sun much longer and do not reapply the sunscreen. They end up getting a lot more UV damage, which, of course, defeats the purpose.
So in short, SPF is only one feature of a sunscreen and there are other important factors to be taken into account. For example your skin type, whether you’ve been in the water, the ingredients, if it is broad spectrum etc. A higher SPF does not protect against sun damage if it does not protect from both UVA and UVB rays (broad spectrum). Choose a sunscreen with broad spectrum and a SPF of at least 30. You also need to reapply sunscreen if you are staying out in the sun for more than 30 minutes.