Online shopping thoughts... I'm a very hands on person so my personal struggle with online shopping is that I am not able to physically have that specific item in my hand before I commit to purchasing it. I want to be able to feel the texture, see the sizing in person and definitely test it out. But then again I'm one of those who won't even buy clothes without trying them on. Luckily this concept has saved me lots of money from online shopping... that's not to say I don't window shop online put it all in a cart and then exit out four hours later.
With that being said the great thing about online shopping is that you can pretty much find and purchase anything online. It give you the opportunity to learn about things you may not necessarily find in your local "super store", anddd if you do your homework and check reviews it might turn out a great buy!
Yesss I know I am writing this blog for an online store, but here is why. In a time where most businesses are online only something I really love about TEI Spa Beauty is that you can find great reviews about all of their products. Also they go out of their way to really give you the chance to test out their tools and products. They do this by going to various expos, trade shows and conventions throughout the year and are sure to hit North, South, East, and West at least once a year.
If you do happen to go to these events then you know most businesses usually offer their best rates and come ready with TONS of freebies. TEI Spa is no exception to that and aside from shopping the in the "good old fashioned way" you get great deals and you'll also meet the lovely and knowledgeable TEI Spa Beauty ladies. The next show date is posted below.
TEI Spa will be at the BOOTH 222
Face & Body Spa Expo & Conference
McEnergy Convention Center San Jose, California
August 25-26, 2019