Male acne! What can you do?
It should be said that men's skin does differ a little from women's. Men's skin is thicker, larger pores, and produce more sebum. Another big difference isn't in the skin necessarily, but in how we care for it. Women tend to be more consistent with their skincare routines while men usually prefer an one-in-all product. Regardless of gender, acne is one of the most common skin issues people have. While women tend to experience acne more often, experts have reported higher cases of male acne. But don't worry, even though it affects women and men differently, there is a solution.
What triggers acne?
During puberty men hormones cause more severe acne that actually lasts longer and can be more scarring. Not to mention that men's pores are often more open, making them more susceptible to accumulating bacteria, which triggers inflammation and produces comedones. Comedones are the skin colored, small bumps found on the forehead and chin. Open comedones are blackheads, while closed comedones are whiteheads. Men usually tend to get acne on the face and back.
If acne is gone untreated, it can cause scarring and negative emotional effects on one's confidence if cases are severe. It is important to identify common triggers in order to diagnosis the skin to obtain a course of treatment. Some of the common triggers are hormones, stress, diet, medication, improper hygiene and genetics. Another cause to worsen acne is sweating.
Now, to the real reason you are here. What you can do.
There are three main types of acne comedonal acne, inflammatory acne and cystic acne. Each type requires a different treatment.
Comedonal acne is the type most of us get as young adults. It usually shows up with a blackhead or whitehead. This can be caused by very oily skin or blocked pores. This type is usually easy to take care of. Using a simple wash to kill bacteria will help clear the skin. Please do not be tempted to pop it!
Inflammatory acne is when the skin has redness beneath the bump or swelling. It can be sensitive or even painful when touched. This type can commonly cause pimples or flaky skin. This type usually requires an advanced treatment, such as topical retinoids, oral antibiotics, or topical antibiotics.
Cystic Acne is the most severe type and requires medical treatment. It is described as inflamed breakouts that cover large portions of the skin. They can be painful due to the infection beneath the skin. We always recommend visiting a dermatologist. The dermatologist will check your skin and recommend a treatment specifically for your case. This type of acne can leave scars if not treated properly.
A simple step is keeping your skin clean. Wash twice a day. There are a variety of amazing cleansers available. Knowing is skin type will help when purchasing any skincare products. Another tip is when shaving, make sure your razor is clean. If you get shaving bumps try using an electric razor.
Keeping a simple daily routine will help control breakouts and maintain acne-free skin. A few more tips: using good ingredients is key, eating a heathy diet rich in antioxidants, reducing stress and sleeping, can reduce the rest triggering acne.