Wow! what a month!
Back to back shows both on opposite sides of the country.
From Chicago to Las Vegas we covered lots of ground and have met some wonderful people along the way.
Starting it off in Chicago @themakeupshow.
We spent 4 Days in this great city and what a blast we had.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth.
If you are interested in attending find the next show in your area by clicking >>HERE
We'll be joining the show in Las Vegas August 12-13! Hope to see you there.
Next stop on our Summer tour was in our new hometown Las Vegas, Nevada for the International Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference (IECSC). This year was special for us. We not only celebrated our 10 year anniversary but we also held our very first education class.
The 3 day show was non-stop.
Full of fun and excitement, it's always great to be around like -individuals where we get to network and motivate each other.
Thank you to those who attended our class on our T.E. 360! For those that didn't get a chance to attend, be on the lookout for a follow up video of our class.
For anyone that has any questions for us feel free send an email to Service@teispa.com
Good-bye June, hello July!!